Friday, April 16, 2010

Submitted for the Approval of Er'ebody

So many things in life are Canadian as fuck. Poutine, hockey, Arcade Fire, the guy, denim-on-denim, Tim Horton's, and the 90's Nickelodeon television series, Are You Afriad Of The Dark? I loved this show when I was younger and fell back in love with it when I purchased the first two seasons during my junior year of college. No thanks afternoon classes, I've got an extremely Canadian children's television series about a scary stories dream team to watch! My love of Are You Afraid of The Dark? (or, AYAOTD as it will henceforth be referred to) grew and grew until it culminated in a night which my roommates and KWet will forever punch me in the face for. I'll leave out the gory details, but I basically drank too much whiskey, cooked an amazing salmon, and sang the AYAOTD theme song FOR TWO HOURS.

Good times?

AYAOTD and I had to break up for a bit, but despite our respite, I'm back in love and hoping you'll fall with me. Let us sail off into the sunset with AYAOTD episodes in our bellies and this blog in our hearts.

The Plan: Review and dissect AYAOTD episodes. Become intimate (no homo) with the Midnight Society. Try to get more than two people (Thanks, Mom!) to read this blog.

Thankfully, I will have some help from my beautiful friend Meghan
She'll be peppering this blog with reviews of two other amazing Nickelodeon shows; Pete & Pete and Clarissa Explains It All. Look for those soon, Cleopatra Comin' Atcha!!!!!

Let's do this.....but like adults.